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Yes, you may lose items. You keep the three most valuable items that you carry with you (including worn items and inventory). Or the four most valuable items, if you are using a specific protection prayer. If you are "skulled" (have a skull on top of your head), then you lose all items (or keep one if you use the prayer).

It is not the market value of the items that counts, but the alchemy value. There is an option, under "Worn Equipment", that will show you which items you keep, and which you lose, in case of your death.

Note that any items which you deposited in the bank will be safe. Only the items you carry with you are at risk.

Certain minigames are safe, in the sense that you keep all your items when you die.

Basically, you should never carry valuable stuff with you to the Wilderness, to PvP worlds, or to other dangerous places where you might be attacked.

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Q: When you die in runescape do you lose any items?
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You CAN die, but you won't lose any items. The only possible way to die and lose your items is by dying in the game lobby.

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While on RuneScape PVP worlds, if you die, you only lose the items you are carrying, not those in your bank, never in RuneScape will a death directly affect your banked items.

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In the castle wars minigame you do not lose any of your items.It is a safe minigame,all items are kept if you die during the castle wars minigame.

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No. But if you go into the lose all your items portal than yes.

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No, it is one of the most dangerous places in RuneScape, if you die you lose your items (except the items kept upon death, of course), and you should therefore only enter it with items you can afford to lose.

What is item banking?

In the game of RuneScape, this refers to leaving items in your bank. You would do this because (1) your regular inventory only has 28 spaces, the bank has much more; and (2) items left in your bank are safe. If you die, you'll lose items in your inventory and items you wear (except for the three most valuable items, usually), but you won't lose items that are in your bank.

On runescape If you die trying to kill jad do you loose items?

No, you do not.

Can you lose your skillcape in runescape if you die in a pvp world?

I am not sure, but there is a button, under the option "Worn Equipment", where you can see which items you would lose, and which you would keep, in case you die. You can go to a safe place in a PVP world (e.g., Lumbridge Castle), and check it out there.

If you die in PVP on Runescape do you lose armor?

Yes, of couse(except the safe zones) You lose all your items. You should not take very expensive stuff into PVP. Or into the Wilderness, for that matter, but in PVP you get "skulled" and keep zero items instead of three (or - I believe - one item instead of four, with the appropriate prayer).

What if you die during the runescape quest another slice of HAM?

you will lose everything it happened to me but its true

On runescape how do you know what level you are and can you fight other players im not a member?

The way you know what combat level you are on runescape is by clicking the crossed swords icon which lets you pick your attack style, it will also tell you your combat level. And yes, you can fight other players as a non-member, there is a number of places which you can do this, bounty hunter located in the wilderness, you will lose items when doing this mini game but will also keep the items which you kill from the player, there is also clan wars, also located in the wilderness in this you are with a group of people and there are certain options which determine the rules of the game and there's the dual arena which is a 1vs1 fight against your opponent, both players agree to a set of rules and you wont lose your items fighting here the dual arena is located in al-kalhid. also you can go to any pvp world and fight any number of players since you are allowed to fight anyone just about anywhere in the world of runescape, you will lose items if you die.

Can you lose your skillcape in RuneScape if you die?

The items kept on death are based on the high alchemy value of items. In game, if you click on the equipment tab, and then the 'items kept on death' tab, it will show exactly which items will be kept upon death. Most generally there your 3 highest (high alchemy) valued items. Things like a PKers skull changes that number to 0. Remember, if you die you can always retreive your items is you make it back to your place of death before your grave crumbles. If you do lose your skillcape, you can always buy it back from the master for 99k.