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it did come out

you can buy it on eBay or inmint for 12 bux

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Q: When will the yugioh 5D's starter deck come out?
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Are all yu gi oh starter decks the same?

It depends on what type of starter deck e.g. Yugioh 5ds, Yugioh GX, Yugioh!

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You can obtain Junk Warrior by getting the structure deck which it's in. It's in the Yugioh 5ds Starter Deck.

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when yugioh 5ds did

How do you get colossal fighter in Yu-Gi-Oh 5d?

if it is in wheelie breakers for the wii then you cannot get it but if it is in stardust accelerator buy lots of packs or or in stardust accelerator after blister drops you off at the hotel then look for the park there is a kid who has structure decks pick the starter deck then you have collosal fighter in real life het yugioh 5DS starter deck

What cards does yu-gi-oh 5ds kalin kessler have in his deck?

He plays an infernity deck. Go on yugioh wikia and search infernity

Where are the tournaments in yugioh 5ds yugioh 5ds stardust accelerator?

Go to to check for updates when new tuornament on yugioh 5'ds be out.

What is after Yugioh 5ds?

yugioh zexal in Spring 2011

What comes after Yugioh 5ds?

Series after: yugioh 5'ds is yugioh Zexal.

Where can you buy Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds manga?

The yugioh 5ds manga did not come out yet and is coming out in January. I am sure you can get them at Barnes and Nobles.

How do you get the field spell zombie world in Yugioh 5ds?

The card "Zombie World" is only available in the Zombie World structure deck.