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After you get the National Dex

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Q: When will Bebe give you an EEVEE in pokemon Diamond?
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Can Bebe give you a shiny eevee in Pokemon diamond?

of corse

How do you get Eevee in Pokemon diamond without seeing all 150 Pokemon?

go to hearthrome city there in one house bebe will be there she will give you eevee

Eveeie in Pokemon Diamond?

After you have a national dex, Bebe (in hearthome city) will give you one. Also eevee has the possibility of being the Pokemon of the day in the Pokemon mansion.

Where can you get an Eevee without getting the National Pokedex on Pokemon Diamond?

You can't. You have to get NationalDex and then talk to Bebe. She will give you a free eevee, though I think it only works once

Where you found eve in pokemon diamond?

1- its spelled eevee. 2-after obtaining the national dex, go see bebe in hearthome city. she'll give you a free eevee.

Do you need the national pokedex to get Eevee in Pokemon platinum?

no talk to bebe in hearthome and she'll give you an eevee

How do you get Eevee in pearl?

after getting your national dex do to bebe in hearthome city and she will give you a Pokemon called eevee level 55

How do you get a girl Eevee on Pokemon pearl?

when you get your national dex go to Bebe and she will give you one

What does bebe' mean?

Bebe is just the Bill of Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. After you get the national pokedex though, she will give you an eevee. this is your chance to get a Glacion or Leafeon.

Where do you get Eevee in Pokemon platnium?

by-Pokeexpert980 You can get Eevee in trades with friends or you can get an Eevee in PLATNIUM by talking to Bebe in Hearthome next to pokecenter but in PEARL/DIAMOND you must complete Sinnoh Dex and then talk to Bebe in Hearthome and BOOM you got yourself a Lv.20 Eevee for PLATNIUM and a Lv.5 Eevee for PEARL/DIAMOND

Where do you get an eveee on Pokemon?

You go to Hearthome city after you beat the league. Talk to Bebe and she will give you Eevee.

Can you find Eevee on pokemon platnum?

After obtaining the National Dex, talk to Bebe inside of her house near the Pokemon Center in Hearthome City and she'll give you an Eevee.