Bebe is just the Bill of Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. After you get the national pokedex though, she will give you an eevee. this is your chance to get a Glacion or Leafeon.
Bebe in Spanish is equal to two different meanings in English. The reader has to analyse the context to apply the correct meaning. In a sentence involving a liquid the word "bebe" can mean that the subject is "drinking" a liquid. In a sentence involving someone doing something or asociated to something that a baby can do, the "bebe" stand for "baby". "Bebe" does never equate to "babe" in the sense of a sexy adult girl in little clothing.Baby
absolutely nothing
Bebe is in the house, right of the Pokecenter in Hearthrome City. in hearthome
You have to go to Heathome City and the house right of the Pokemon center in there is where bebe is.Hope this helped!!!!
You have to get the national dex then bebe will give you one eevee and you won't get another one so evolve it wisely.
Bebe mala means poor/bad baby.
j'aime le bebe means i love the baby j'aime votre bebe would mean i love your (pl) baby
Estoy a su bebe in English means I am a baby.
For that you drink
Ok baby
"With my baby"
i love you baby
Bebe in Spanish is equal to two different meanings in English. The reader has to analyse the context to apply the correct meaning. In a sentence involving a liquid the word "bebe" can mean that the subject is "drinking" a liquid. In a sentence involving someone doing something or asociated to something that a baby can do, the "bebe" stand for "baby". "Bebe" does never equate to "babe" in the sense of a sexy adult girl in little clothing.Baby
...I think you mean Spanish. Lol. Bebe.
That's my baby!