It learns its 1st fire attack at level 10, which is Ember. From there on it can learn Flame Wheel at lvl 15, Firespin at lvl 24, Fire Blast at lvl 37. It evolves to Rapidash at lvl 40, and learns Flare Blitz at lvl 56.
Hope this helps
at the start
If you breed it with a Ditto or another Weavile, (of the opposite gender) it should start to learn moves.
As of Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, Charizard learns...[Start] Dragon Claw[Start] Shadow Claw[Start] Air Slash[Start] Scratch[Start] Growl[Start] Ember[Start] SmokeScreen[Level 7] Ember[Level 10] SmokeScreen[Level 17] Dragon Rage[Level 21] Scary Face[Level 28] Fire Fang[Level 32] Flame Burst[Level 36] Wing Attack[Level 41] Slash[Level 47] Flamethrower[Level 56] Fire Spin[Level 62] Inferno[Level 71] Heat Wave[Level 77] Flare BlitzOP6
This is the moveset for Kadabra in Pokémon Emerald. Start Kinesis Start Teleport Level 16 Confusion Level 18 Disable Level 21 Psybeam Level 23 Reflect Level 25 Recover Level 30 Future Sight Level 33 Role Play Level 36 Psychic Level 43 Trick
Charizard learns Heat Wave at start in Pokemon FireRed. In Generation IV, Charizard learns it at level 59. In Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver, Charizard can also learn Heat Wave by move tutor.
ponyta evolves at lvl fourty. start training
at the start
breed it with a bunnary.
The first step would be to learn a martial art. Then you can take it to the next level.
You just need to learn it from your proffession trainer. Warriors and Paladins can learn plate at level 40 Shamans and Hunters can learn mail at level 40 No other classes can learn any other armor types than the one they start with.
If you breed it with a Ditto or another Weavile, (of the opposite gender) it should start to learn moves.
As soon as its a Gyrados you can teach it Surf to start it off later it will learn Hydro pump.
As of Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, Charizard learns...[Start] Dragon Claw[Start] Shadow Claw[Start] Air Slash[Start] Scratch[Start] Growl[Start] Ember[Start] SmokeScreen[Level 7] Ember[Level 10] SmokeScreen[Level 17] Dragon Rage[Level 21] Scary Face[Level 28] Fire Fang[Level 32] Flame Burst[Level 36] Wing Attack[Level 41] Slash[Level 47] Flamethrower[Level 56] Fire Spin[Level 62] Inferno[Level 71] Heat Wave[Level 77] Flare BlitzOP6
well maylene has fighting types so use a flying type, you should probely go do some training your ponyta should be a good start, your prinplup should maybe know some steal type moves my sister's did. well i used my staraptar level 100 now,turtwig lv 80 now,lopunny lv 49, now ,blissy lv 42 now,azmarill lv 41 now,and my vileplume lv 55 now, sorry those are their level their on now i couldn't remember what level they where on check seribii for her Pokemon levels.HOPE THIS HELPED
In Pokémon Emerald, the moves that Gyarados are capable of learning through level up are Thrash which is a start move and then it will learn Bite at Level 20, Dragon Rage at Level 25, Leer at Level 30, Twister at Level 35, Hydro Pump at Level 40, Rain Dance at Level 45, Dragon Dance at Level 50 and Hyper Beam at Level 55.
Here is the move set for Ambipom Start-scratch start-tail whip start- sand attack start- astoinsh level 4- sand attack level 8- astoinsh level 11- baton pass level 15- tickle level 18- fury swipes level 22- swift level 25- screech level 29- agility level 32- double hit level 36- fling level 39- nasty plot level 43- last resort -Adam Korczak
This is the moveset for Kadabra in Pokémon Emerald. Start Kinesis Start Teleport Level 16 Confusion Level 18 Disable Level 21 Psybeam Level 23 Reflect Level 25 Recover Level 30 Future Sight Level 33 Role Play Level 36 Psychic Level 43 Trick