12th Pokemon movie in 2010
Nobody knows when the next Arceus event is but I missed it because I got mine from my friend or you can get a action replay and look for the bad egg code and the egg will hatch into a shiny LV.100 Arceus.
There isn't a date for the Arceus Event in Pokemon HeartGold (unless you mean the event where you get Arceus). When you send over any Arceus into your HeartGold game, the event is activated. You'll have to go to the Ruins of Alph in order to do the event.
You can only get Arceus by an Event.
there is not going to be an event for arceus on Pokemon black sorry to disapoint you.....!
12th Pokemon movie in 2010
in 2010
in the next few months
The Arceus Event is coming out Later in 2010 for the UK The date has not been annoced!
In Japan in December 2010
the next event is the arceus event the day Pokemon 12 the movie comes out. you know the one about arceus.
Nobody knows
You can either use an action replay or you could have attended the arceus event in 2010.
The first Arceus event will probaly be when the twelveth Pokemon movie comes onto DVD. Right now arceus can only be obtained in action replay.
Any time you have arceus in your HG/SS party and go to the ruins then the event will happen!
Jan 16 2010