Halo ODST is coming out September 22 2009 (i believe)and Halo reach is coming out fall 2010
yes there will be . Its called just halo 4. It will be realeased sometime between haloween and Christmas of 2012
If your talking about the title then no. But if you mean like the 5th Halo game the I guess you can count Halo: Reach as the fifth and that comes out sometime fall 2010.
Yes, Halo 4 is coming out soon and they have a script ready for Halo 6 already, I heard
There are a couple ways in which you can get recon amor in Halo 3. One way is to work for Bngie and be a bungie employ. Or you could enter in a Halo 3 contest on bungie.net and you could win recon armor as a prize. Or you could do outstand in Halo and you may have a chance to get recon aromor. Finally, there are rumors that you could get recon amor if you get all the achivement in the new halo game called Halo ODST, however that game will be coming out in Fall 2009. At the end of the day, it is very hard to get recon armor in Halo 3 .
Halo 4. At least, that's what its being called so far. I don't know if the name will change closer to release. really halo 4??????????? its halo reach (halo ODST wasent halo 4 it was a side story to halo 3) Ok, to all the ignorant people who think Reach was Halo 4, you could not be more wrong. The Halo series (1, 2, & 3) are about Master Chief. Halo 4, which will be the next game about Master Chief, has yet to be announced. Halo: Reach has never been referred to as Halo 4 by Bungie. Furthermore, Reach is technically a prequel to Halo: Combat Evolved. Read up on your facts before you call me stupid.
not really "soon", but there will be a new game coming out.
There is no Halo:4...You are thinking of Halo:ODST.
There isn't going to be a Halo 4. Halo wars is coming out and I heard somewhere about a game called Halo 3 Recon.
halo 4 is coming out and check on youtube or ign for more information
well this cant be answered but there probably will be :]
Yes. Halo ODST is the new Halo game.
Bungie announced at E3 that there will be a new game called Halo: Reach, and it will be coming out in 2010.
Halo 4 won't come out, get it in your heads. Only Halo 3: Odst is coming out on 2009. Halo 3 is last of the Full game halo (series)
No the game will not be released in a PS3 version of Halo 4
Well, It (HALO Reach) came out on the third of May 2010 for America, but I'm not sure about when it's coming out for other countries
Halo 4 is coming out. The release is on December 31st 2012. The maker of the game is 343 industries
29th december halo rise of darkness