The PlayStation slim is already out. In fact although the old PS3 slim models are still in production Sony has already started making a new models of the PS3 slim 120 GB and 250 GB models starting in May 2010 see related link.
PlayStation x PlayStation 1 PlayStation 2 PlayStation 2 slim PlayStation 3 PlayStation 3 slim Coming soon - PlayStation 4
Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?
the playstation 3 250 GB can not play playstation 2 games
with new models like the slim the answer is no but with the older models yes you can for more information look at the playstation 3 article on wikipedia
PlayStation x PlayStation 1 PlayStation 2 PlayStation 2 slim PlayStation 3 PlayStation 3 slim Coming soon - PlayStation 4
There is no difference between the playstation 3 and the playstation 3 slim. The slim costs more, but that's only because of the slim design that the parts must fit into. It's like a laptop verses a desktop. The software is the same as well as the hardware, but the slim seems to have more appeal to the consumer.
Sony PlayStation 3 Slim
original not slim
Yes. All PlayStation 3 models have internet capability.
Yes, if you mean controller. They work with all types of PlayStation 3's.
Yes, the PlayStation Slim will play any game that the PlayStation 3 will. Including Modern Warfare 2.
PlayStation 3 Slim because it is quieter and lighter. It really depends the use of the PlayStation 3 that you need. If you want to play the PlayStation 2 games on your new system, you should get the Original 20GB or the 4USB port 60GB or 80GB PS3. If you want a quiet and with more HDD space system, then by all means get the new slim versions. Hope this helps.
Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?
The playstation started out as a grey box with an "open" button on the bottom right hand side and an "on" button on the other side. The games were very low-graphiced and the playstation dented easily.
Sony's home consoles are:- PlayStation- PlayStation 2- PlayStation 3- PlayStation 4While handhelds are:- PlayStation Portable- PlayStation VitaThere are also other models that Sony have released such as the PlayStation Portable Go, PlayStation TV and PlayStation 3 Slim