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It the same day as Sonic and Sonia's because they are triplets

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Q: When is manic the hedgehog's birthday?
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Related questions

Who is Sonic the Hedgehogs siblings?

He has a brother named Manic the Hedgehog and a sister named Sonia the Hedgehog.

When is Michael cavallo's birthday from manic drive?

June 10 1989.

Is there more hedgehogs in sonic?

Ever since the original series from Adventures of Sonic the hedgehog, to Saturday Morning Sonic, to Sonic underground, to Sonic X, to current video games, there are many hedgehogs. The main hedgehogs are: Sonic, Manic, Sonia, Shadow, Silver, and Amy. there are others but carry a minor part in the Sonic series.

What is manic the hedgehogs power?

Manic the Hedgehog is a master thief due to growing up with a thief named Ferrel after Queen Alena the Hedgehog split up Sonic, Manic, and Sonia. He can lock pick, get away with stealing, and hack computers. He also, he is able to control seismic activity with his drum set if that helps.

What year is Sonic the Hedgehogs birthday?

1991 was when the first Sonic game came out

What is Sonic the Hedgehogs brother and sisters name?

In the Sonic the Hedgehog series, Sonic has a brother named Manic and a sister named Sonia. They are collectively known as the Sonic Underground, a band of freedom fighters who work together to overthrow the tyrannical rule of Dr. Robotnik. Manic is known for his skills in thievery, while Sonia is a talented musician and martial artist.

Was jaleel white the voice of the sister hedgehog in Sonic the Hedgehog?

Yes he was the voice for all three hedgehogs (Sonic, Sonia, and manic) in Sonic Underground, also the voice for Sonic in Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic SatAM.

How do you you use manic in a sentence?

The word "manic" is an adjective. An example of a sentence using the word would be: The patient was beginning to exhibit manic behaviors.

What sonic game is sonia in?

Sonia is a pink hedgehog. She is Sonic the hedgehog's sister and Manic the hedgehogs sister. She is 15 and turns 16 in episode 3. Her manic and Sonic are triplets. Hope that helps! :) ~Gracygoo

Do hedgehogs protect their young?


What do you call a collection of hedgehogs?

The collective nouns are an array of hedgehogs and a prickle of hedgehogs.

How could you use someones birthday and put it into an alliteration?

Alliteration is the repetition of the same sounds, usually consonant sounds, in neighbouring words; e.g 'threatening thunderheads by Thursday', or 'frightening frenzied friends'. So a birthday could be 'Mandy's manic birthday on Monday.'