Grammar monsters birthday is on November the 5th. Logging on to Literacy Planet on this date will give you the "Grammar Monsters Birthday" badge.
15th of novenber
for blockstack cheat code is:momentum. penpenexpress:redredred goforgold.
The cheat codes for Block Stack are: stickyblocks momentum
freefuelforme and goforgold
there is no cheat for block stack. Sheep Bounce- Turnedpinkinthewash, bluesheep and blacksheep. Penpen's Express- freefuelforme, thispenguinjustkeepsongoing, silverlining, goforgold and redredred Turtle Knock- neverrunoutofshots
5th November
15 of may
Grammar Monster's birthday is on April 23rd.
No, Moshi Monsters does not do anything special for your birthday.
The correct grammar is "I am surprised to be visiting you on your birthday."
15th of novenber
find it somewhere
stickyblock and momentum