for sheep-bounce the cheats are bluesheep turnedpinkinthewash blacksheep, feedmewords penpens express are freefuelforme redredred goforgold silverling ghost and thispenguinjustkeepsongoing and for turtle knock it is neverrunoutofshots.
for blockstack cheat code is:momentum. penpenexpress:redredred goforgold.
blacksheep bluesheep turnedpinkinthewash
No. There isn't any cheats at all
cheats:6106420 all levels 61600disable all cameras ETC
for sheep-bounce the cheats are bluesheep turnedpinkinthewash blacksheep, feedmewords penpens express are freefuelforme redredred goforgold silverling ghost and thispenguinjustkeepsongoing and for turtle knock it is neverrunoutofshots.
for blockstack cheat code is:momentum. penpenexpress:redredred goforgold.
15 of may
find it somewhere
stickyblock and momentum
5th November
By finishing both the worlds.
Oh honey, cheat codes are so last season. Just play the game like the rest of us mere mortals. Besides, cheating won't make you a pro at Penpens Express on Intrepica, practice will. So put on your big kid pants and start playing fair and square.