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according to the newgrounds trailer it is coming march 2013.

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Q: When is Sonic RPG 9 is coming out?
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When will Sonic RPG 9 come out?

it is in newgrounds on march 2013 which will be soon. If you dont believe me go to newgrounds and type sonic rpg 9 in the search bar then press movie on the right and its there. Go to the trailer of sonic rpg 9. In the end of sonic rpg 9 trailer it will say coming march 2013

Is sonic RPG 9 is coming next Saturday or less?


When does sonic RPG 9?

go to sonic rpg 9 game

What is going to happen in Sonic RPG episode 9?

its not coming for a long time

Is sonic RPG 9 coming out in 2010 or 2011?

In Febuary 25 2010!

Where can you play sonic RPG 9?

Sonic RPG 9 insn't out yet.

Where is sonic rpg eps 9?

there is no sonic rpg eps 9 it will be latter

Will sonic RPG Eps 9 be out in 2009?

yes but i checked every where but sonic rpg eps 9 is sonic rpg eps 8

When is sonic rpg ep 9 coming?

Nobody in the world knows.We have got to wait.

When is sonic rpg episode 10 coming out?

Probably Omg -.- sonic rpg 9 isn't even out yet so how should we know?

What day and year is sonic rpg 9 coming out?

No one rly knows but there will be another 1