6/26/10 - 7/16/10: Jirachi (Wifi, North America)
6/18/10 - 7/14/10: Scizor (Wifi, Japan)
7/15/10 - 8/10/10: Pikachu (Wifi, Japan)
6/18/10 - 8/31/10: Legendary Beasts (Movie, Japan)
7/10/10 - 9/30/10: Celebi (Movie, Japan)
6/26/10 - 7/16/10: Jirachi (Wifi, Europe)
A hack of Pokemon SoulSilver that makes the game harder and adds new Pokemon not in SoulSilver, along with new game events.
Action replay or Nintendo events
Transfer it from your bottom game or get it from a Pokemon event. Pokemon events are under Wifi Conection but they don't happen often.
no you can trade soulsilver pokemon to black
You CANNOT LEGALLY download Pokemon Soulsilver.
I am afraid you can not.
special events
no. only events
A hack of Pokemon SoulSilver that makes the game harder and adds new Pokemon not in SoulSilver, along with new game events.
by using wifi or wireless at a certain place
Celebi is only available through special Pokemon Events.
It's impossible to get without certain events/Hacks. Sadly, all of the events are over.
They are special events at stores like Toys'R'Us and GameStop. Special Pokemon like Arceus, Darkrai, and Celebi are distributed through them.
Action replay or Nintendo events
Usually Arceus can only be obtained through Pokemon events, and all the soulsilver events passed :(
Transfer it from your bottom game or get it from a Pokemon event. Pokemon events are under Wifi Conection but they don't happen often.