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November 16th

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What is mistys town in Pokemon Yellow?

Cerulean city

Where is mistys gum on Pokemon SoulSilver?

In Kanto's Cerulean city

Where in mistys gym is the power plant part in Pokemon silver?

In a inertube.

Where do you sandshrew in Pokemon FireRed?

You find it in the grass patch left of the city that mistys gym is in

How do you get the generator work in the power plant in Pokemon soul silver?

It's in mistys gym

Where is the shady character in Pokemon Silver?

he is at the mistys gym and then runs to the bridge there u battle him

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How do you get Thunder stone in Pokemon Silver?

you need a pichu and than give it to bill father by mistys gym and you will get a thunder stone.

Where is the missing machine part in Pokemon heartgold?

easy!go to mistys gym and tap A on the floaty s or tubes or whatever

How do you open mistys gym in darckry?

you tickle mistys feet with a feather until she tells you

How do you find machine part on Pokemon?

well it depends on which one u want if its yellow through red then its at mistys gym in the water

How do you get to the power plant in Pokemon HeartGold?

go to mistys gym and go and cross the pool and the rubber donut thing has it. Im dom