haha he gets it when u fight Jupiter and Saturn at spear pillar when u team up..... he sends him out first.
your rival has a munchlax when u vs Jupiter and mars in spear pillar
you cant munchlax is knew on the Pokemon diamond and pearl national dex.
munchlax is the first
no only the guy with the blonde hair your rival i should know i tryed
a honey tree
Your rival has a Munchlax. That's how he gets Snorlax. When you battle Mars & Jupiter at Spear Pillar, your rival teams up with you. If his Staraptor gets knocked out, he sends in Munchlax.
Your rival in diamond/pearl/platinum
you get a munchlax
your rival has a munchlax when u vs Jupiter and mars in spear pillar
Diamond and pearl and also Munchlax is in the mystery dungeon games
you cant munchlax is knew on the Pokemon diamond and pearl national dex.
Munchlax is a 4th Gen Pokemon and therefore made its debut in Pokemon Pearl and Diamond. It can also be obtained in every pokemon game that came after that.
munchlax is the first
number 447 riolu
If you have a Snorlax and you want to breed it to get a Munchlax, you have to attach a Full Incense to it.
no only the guy with the blonde hair your rival i should know i tryed
let munchlax evolve