Wartortle doesn't learn Bubble Beam naturally, but you can teach it with TM11 at any time.
Level 25.
no, only in the first games by learning it from tm 11
Blastoise never learns Crunch. Blastoise does not learn Crunch, but it does learn Bite. This is when it is a Wartortle (or Squirtle) and is on level 16. If you have a Blastoise on level 16 (which is not really possible), it will learn Crunch.
Wartortle is a purely Water-type Pokemon.
Level 25.
It doesn't learn Bubble. It does, on the other hand, learn BubbleBeam, which it learns at level 25.
no, only in the first games by learning it from tm 11
At level 31 i think
Absorb, fake out bubblebeam, hydro pump, just general water/ grass/ normal moves
Blastoise never learns Crunch. Blastoise does not learn Crunch, but it does learn Bite. This is when it is a Wartortle (or Squirtle) and is on level 16. If you have a Blastoise on level 16 (which is not really possible), it will learn Crunch.
Wartortle evolves at the same level in every Pokemon game. Wartortle evolves at level 36. Wartortle will then evolve into a Blastoise.
wartortle evolves around lv 36 into blastoise
Wartortle is a Water type pokemon.
Squirtle to Wartortle at level 16. Wartortle to Blatsoise at level 36.
Wartortle is a purely Water-type Pokemon.