the movie latios and latias come out on is in Pokemon heros the 5th movie
2011 in Japan.
When unnown pokemon gather they open up a new dimension or portal. There's this whole pokemon movie about it. Its called Pokemon 3: The Movie.
They normally come out some time after they come out in Japan. The next Pokemon game to come out is Pokemon Platinum, they say that it will come out in America some time in 2009.
the next Pokemon movie will not be released in the us!!! wat a rippoff!!!!
Probably the next year, when the new Pokemon movie is available in the US.
the movie latios and latias come out on is in Pokemon heros the 5th movie
Actually all the pokemon come out Every episode shows a new pokemon of that region Unless it's a legendary then they make a pokemon movie about it.
Yes. Pokemon Black and Pokemon White were recently announced with the new Pokemon Movie "Phantom Pokemon: Zororark". This is the 5th generation of the Pokemon games and is scheduled to come out sometime towards the end of 2010 in Japan.
The Pokemon co. hasn't planned anything yet for a 13th movie of Pokemon. The new one that they've made so far is Pokemon 12: Arceus and the Jewel of Life.
It is already out.
The Pokemon's name is Zoroark.
July 10
it will come out 2011!
February 2010