In march of 2010, Pokemon heart gold+soul silver!
There is a possibility of a new one coming out sometime in 2011 you'll see what i mean if you go to the Pokemon wikapedia.
They normally come out some time after they come out in Japan. The next Pokemon game to come out is Pokemon Platinum, they say that it will come out in America some time in 2009.
The recent Pokemon game that came to the US is Pokemon Picross. Pokemon Z and Pokemon GO has been announced to come out soon, assuming it'll be in 2016.
the next Pokemon game will come out in spring 2011 and will be called Pokemon black and white
You cantWhen you turn on your game, it should come up with the menu screen. On the menu screen, one of the options is 'new game'. Select this and follow the instructions.Hope I helped!
A hack of Pokemon SoulSilver that makes the game harder and adds new Pokemon not in SoulSilver, along with new game events.
Pokemon Platinum should come out in April
its called Pokemon titanium
They normally come out some time after they come out in Japan. The next Pokemon game to come out is Pokemon Platinum, they say that it will come out in America some time in 2009.
1 year
Actually,it depends if the new Pokemon game is coming out.Try think about the minerals.Ask yourself:Which Pokemon Game is not that mineral?Are they coming it out?When?
In 2016, Pokemon GO and Pokemon Z seemingly has been confirmed to come out this year.
No. Sinnoh is too new for a GBA game to come out
Yes there will be... Pokemon Light, Dark, and Ultima! It will come out about 2021. It will have 127 New Pokemon, New moves, and a new enemy- Team Thunder!
The recent Pokemon game that came to the US is Pokemon Picross. Pokemon Z and Pokemon GO has been announced to come out soon, assuming it'll be in 2016.
Most likely. I think it will be either a Pokemon Ranger game or a Mystery Dungeon game. Or an Explorers game. A remake might also come out.
No,If you start a new game, anything even Pokemon adn items will be gone.
POKEMON SOULSILVER come with a poke walker and the Soulsilver game