the egg in Pokemon ruby is wynaut, the pre-evolved form of wobuffet
If you left two Pokemon that are of different genders and are of the same egg group, you can get an egg from the Day Care Man outside of the Day Care after you've left the Pokemon there for a while.
First you need a magmar leafgreen and Pokemon xd gale of darkness can get magmar trade magmar to ruby then breed it hatch the egg to receive magby.
You can by walking lots of steps, with the egg in your party. If you look in the summary, after a while it will say that it will hatch soon. After that you walk some more, and then a new screen will come up with the egg in the center, where it will crack.
the egg in Pokemon ruby is wynaut, the pre-evolved form of wobuffet
you can get any Pokemon egg on ruby al long as you have a male and female of the same Pokemon in the day care center
with a lucky egg or with cheats -.-
It depends on what Pokemon will hatch from the egg. Different Pokemon need different number of steps to hatch.
bout haf a hour
If you left two Pokemon that are of different genders and are of the same egg group, you can get an egg from the Day Care Man outside of the Day Care after you've left the Pokemon there for a while.
Crack all the ice tiles :3
Manaphies are unobtainable in Ruby as it is a Generation IV Pokemon.