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when they want to because you can't do any thing about it

When you get 7 badges at least i think

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Q: When does team rocket attack the radio tower?
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When can you battle team rocket at the radio tower?

You can battle Team Rocket at the Goldenrod Radio Tower after you get the Gym Badge from Mahogany Town.

Where is team rocket hiding?

In Goldenrod radio tower

How do you get team rocket out of the radio tower?

you beat them in a battle

How do you get team rocket out of goldenrod city in heart gold?

Defeat Team Rocket in the radio tower.

Where is Team Rocket after Goldenrod?

After you beat them at the radio tower, they break up team Rocket again.

What do you do for the man in the radio tower?

If you mean team rocket 、go to the goldenrod tunnel and head for the assiore store a guy will give you a rocket sute go to radio tower then talk to rocket 。 save the radio tower。

Were do you find team rocket in goldenrod city?

In the radio tower after you helped Lance defeating team rocket at the Mahogany radio station

When does team rocket go to the radio tower?

They will invade the Radio Tower in Goldenrod City after you capture the Red Gyarados, defeat Team Rocket's Hideout in Mahogany Town, and defeat the Gym Leader Jasmine in Olivine City. Professor Elm will alert you on your PokeGear about Team Rocket in the Radio Tower.

When do you save the radio tower in soul silver?

You have to get into the tower and beat team rocket.

Why did Team Rocket take over Goldenrod Radio City Tower?

Team Rocket took over the radio tower because they wanted to use the radio to get the message to Giovanni, their missing boss, that they had reformed.

How do you get past the team rocket guy in the radio tower?

dont no

How do you get to beat team rocket in goldenrod city?

in the radio tower