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At the radio tower after you save it from team rocket.

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Q: How do you get the rainbow wing in crystal?
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How do you get the rainbow wing in Pokemon crystal if you talked to the man in pewter and he gave you a silver wing?

Ah, the Rainbow Wing is a special item in Pokemon Crystal that you can get by talking to the Copycat in Saffron City after giving her back her lost Clefairy doll. She'll then give you the Rainbow Wing, which is needed to encounter the legendary Pokemon Ho-Oh at the Tin Tower. Just keep spreading kindness and helping others, and you'll find the Rainbow Wing in no time.

Where is the Rainbow wing in Pokemon Crystal?

There is no rainbow wing in silver u have to trade it from gold

Can you really get Ho-oh in crystal version?

Yes you can, get all 3 legendary dogs and the rainbow wing.

Do you have to have the rainbow wing and the silver wing for Ho-oh to appear?

No, you don't need both. You only the rainbow wing.

Where do you get a rainbow wing in heartgold?

you have to beat team rocket then the director gives you the rainbow wing

What is the birth name of Crystal Rainbow Mort?

Crystal Rainbow Mort's birth name is Crystal Mort.

Lugia in Pokemon Silver?

first you have to beat the radio tower then he will give you silver wing (silver) in gold he will give you rainbow wing crystal he will give you clear bell then go to whirl islands and search

Where do you find the rainbow wing in crystal?

You must first capture all the three legendary dogs (Suicune, Raikou, Entei), then you must return to the blue old man that you got the silver wing from, and he will give you it.

Where to get rainbow wing in goldenrod city?

talk to a old man and poof you getting the rainbow wing

Where can you find a Rainbow wing in Pokemon heartgold?

After you beat the last team rocket executive on the observation deck, in the radio tower in goldenrod city, you get the rainbow wing from the Rainbow wing from the director.

Can rainbow dragon be summoned with crystal promise?

no you cant use crystal promise something else this card is a trap that lets you summon rainbow dragon without crystal beasts rainbow dragon cant summon with crystal promise unless it was crystal beast rainbow dragon

How to get rainbow wing?

You need all three dogs and then talk to the old man that gave you the silver wing and he will give you the rainbow wing