Shuckle doesn't evolve unfortenetaly...
It would be cool though...
Yes you can after team rocket is gone you go back to kirk and he'll say he wants it back
Dunsparce does not evolve.
You can't evolve magneton in soul silver. You can only evolve it by trading it back to Diamond or Pearl and training it at Mt. Coronet.
you get a moonstone
Riolu evolve by happiness during the day.
No, shuckie is a shuckle and shukles can't evolve.
Yes you can after team rocket is gone you go back to kirk and he'll say he wants it back
no hitmonlee does not evolve
Dunsparce does not evolve.
You can't evolve magneton in soul silver. You can only evolve it by trading it back to Diamond or Pearl and training it at Mt. Coronet.
Luvdisc does not evolve from, or into anything.
Actually....Shuckle doesn't evolve at all
Spiritomb doesn't evolve.
you have to evolve it with a water stone
Donphan doesn't evolve.
It has to be lvl30.