seedot evolves at level 16 in nuzlaef and if you use laefstone at nuzlaef he evolves in shiftree
You can't, you have to trade with Ruby. Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry are Ruby-only Pokemon.
Route 203 with Ruby in Slot 2
seedot route 203/4 nuzleaf route 229
I don't really think you can. The thing is, in Sapphire you can catch Lotad but not Seedot and in Ruby you can catch Seedot but not Lotad. However in Emerald, you can catch both. So You'd have to trade from a Sapphire or Emerald. Lotad can be found on route 114 on Pokemon RUBY!
Seedot evolves at level 17 to nuzleaf. To evolve nuzleaf you need a leaf stone you could get at route 119 near fortree town or city.You can get a Seedot or a Nuzleaf in pokemon sappire
Seedot evolves at level 14.
As far as I'm concerned, you can only get Seedot from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. In other words, Seedot can be found in the Hoenn Region.
Seedot evolves into Nuzleaf at level 14.
Get seedot in Pokemon Sapphire and migrate after completing ur pokedex in seedot and evolve at a certain level. Evolve to Shiftry at level 20.
mawile, groudon, latias, seedot,
You can't, you have to trade with Ruby. Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry are Ruby-only Pokemon.
Weezing does not evolve in Pokemon Ruby.
it doesn't evolve in Pokemon ruby.
You can only catch seedot, nuzleaf, shiftry, zangoose, and groundon in ruby.
Route 203 with Ruby in Slot 2
you can catch them right by foratree city and where u start off and right by the daycare center only works in emerald,ruby.[does not work in sapphire] hoppppppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiis helps alot for ur questions :]