

Best Answer

Level 79 or if your past that level you can go to the move teachern pastitoria

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Q: When does regice learn zap cannon?
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What level does regice learn zap cannon in Pokemon diamond?

Regice learns Zap Cannon at level 65.

What level does amphros learn zap cannon?

Ampharos cannot learn Zap Cannon.

Can Mareep learn Zap Cannon?

yes,it can learn zap cannon via a tm.

What moves can regice learn?

Regice can learn Blizzard(YOU have to teach him it with a tm. You can buy it at the lilycove department store on floor 3) Zap Cannon(level 49) Ice Beam There is a few, you can learn the rest!Right on! (Go to for more info on pokemon!)

What is zap cannon?

it's a Pokemon move that only certain Pokemon can learn by leveling up for example forteress lv 61 regice, registeel, and regirock.

What level does magneton learn zap cannon?

i think magneton learns zap cannon at level 53 or 57

How does magnemite learn zap cannon?


How does raikou learn zap cannon?


What moves does Magneton learn and when in Pokemon LeafGreen?

he can learn zap cannon

Name all the moves that regice regirock and registeel can learn?

Regirock: stone edge, hyper beam, shockwave, focus punchRegice: ice beam, zap cannon, focus punch,Registell: iron head, flash cannon

Can swellow learn zap cannon on Pokemon Sapphire?


Can Raichu learn zap cannon?

i guess so