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Hitmonchan learns ThunderPunch at level 31.

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Q: When does hitmonchan learn thunder-punch?
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Where do you get the TM thunderpunch on Pokemon soul silver?

Thunderpunch cannot be found as a TM move in Pokémon SoulSilver. Thunderpunch is only a move that Pokémon can naturally learn via level-up however there are a few Pokémon that can learn Thunderpunch via breeding. Pokémon that can learn Thunderpunch via leveling up are Hitmonchan, Elekid, Electabuzz, Electivire, Dragonite, Ampharos, Medicham, Dusclops, Dusknoir, Magmortar and Regigigas. Pokémon that can learn Thunderpunch via breeding would include Pikachu, Abra, Machop, Gastly, Drowzee, Magmar, Meditite, Chimchar and Buneary.

How do you breed a male Abra with Thunderpunch?

Well first you need a female Abra and then you need a male Hitmonchan, Electabuzz/Electivire, Medicham or Magmortar that knows Thunderpunch then you just breed them, a Pokémon Egg will come out that will hatch into an Abra that knows Thunderpunch.

What level does Dragonite learn thunderpunch?

at the start

Where is Thunderpunch in Pokemon Diamond?

Thunderpunch is not a TM available in Pokemon Diamond or Pearl. The only way your Pokemon can learn Thunderpunch is if it learns it while levelling up or if it is learnt off the father through breeding. The Pokemon who can learn Thunderpunch by levelling up include: Hitmonchan - level 31 Electabuzz - level 28 Dragonite - unknown level Ampharos - level 30 Elekid - level 28 Medicham - unknown level Dusclops - unknown level Electivire - level 28 Magmortar - unknown level Duknoir - unknown level Regigigas - unknown level *Those Pokemon with 'unknown level' could very well learn Thunderpunch from the Move Tutor. Pokemon who learn Thunderpunch through breeding include: Pikachu, Raichu, Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Drowzee, Hypno, Magmar, Pichu, Magby, Meditite, Medicham, Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape, Buneary, Lopunny and Magmortar.

When does a Hitmonchan learn Mega Punch?

Hitmonchan learns Mega Punch at Level 41.

When does Infernape learn thunderpunch?

You need to get it from a tutor or as an egg move.

Doe sampharos learn thunderpunch in emerald?

you can either breed to learn it or just learn it from the battle frontier

What level does infernape learn thunderpunch?

It learns it in Platinum via move tutor on Route 212 but you can also learn it if you breed a male Medicham with thunderpunch with a female Infernape and their you go!Hope I helped!

Can luxray learn thunder punch?

no luxray cannot learn the move thunderpunch but he can learn the move thunder fang

Can Infernape learn thunderpunch?

Yes, you need to use the Move Tutor.

When does a Hitmonchan learn Ice Punch?

It learn ice punch at level 36

Can typhlosion learn thunderpunch?

no. unless someone hack their typhlosion to have drought ability.