In any game of Pokemon, the only way a Growlithe evolves is via the use of a Fire Stone.
You aren't able to evolve Growlithe by level, but you would have to use a fire stone to evolve it.
To evolve Mantyke in pokemon black/white 2 you have to level it up with a remoraid in your party then it will evolve into mantine
In Pokémon White 2, Magneton will evolve into Magnezone once it levels up while in the Chargestone Cave.
Have it hold an Elctirizer and Trade it.
Growlithe doesn't level up to evolve He / She need a Firestone to evolve, i'm not sure where you find a firestone i brung my Arcanine over from my Pokemon White game glad to answer...Veronica
You aren't able to evolve Growlithe by level, but you would have to use a fire stone to evolve it.
it evolves if you transfer it from Pokemon black or white to Pokemon black 2 or white 2
snivy riolu growlithe tranpinch ducklet evee
To evolve Mantyke in pokemon black/white 2 you have to level it up with a remoraid in your party then it will evolve into mantine
In Pokémon White 2, Phione is not capable of evolving.
In Pokémon White 2, Elekid will evolve into Electabuzz at Level 30.
By trading it with the prism scale
In both Pokemon Black and White, and Black 2 White 2, a Mincinno can only be evolved to a Cinccino, when a Shiny Stone is used. A Shiny Stone can be found at Route 6 or Dragonspiral Tower, in both Pokemon Black and White, and Black 2 and White 2.
In Pokémon White 2, Magneton will evolve into Magnezone once it levels up while in the Chargestone Cave.
Level 32 to Unfeseant