Bidoof evolves at level 15
It evolves at Level 15
empolion and have starly ,bidoof and pichu
Bidoof evolves into Bibarel starting at level 15.
Bidoof evolves at level 15
Bidoof's evolution is Bibarel. Bidoof evolves at level 15. Bidoof can be found in the fourth generation games, Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, and can also be found in Big Forrest in the Pokéwalker. Bibarel can also be found in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.
No, a Bidoof cannot evolve into any Legendary Pokémon in Diamond.
Sorry to tell you this but its a total glitch. Like comon a bidoof evoles into a purge. One word for you. GLITCH -Camille is it only some bidoof that evolve into purge
a purge Pokemon is a fake Pokemon but if you use ar your bidoof will evolve into it
It evolves at Level 15
level 21
empolion and have starly ,bidoof and pichu
mightyena doesn't evolve on Pokemon pearl, he doesn't evolve in any Pokemon game!
the first answerer answered Magicarp and Bidoof.
I does not evolve
you can not evolve it