It evolves at level 21 and then Weepinbell evolves into Victreebell if you use a Leaf Stone on it.
Get a combee from the pokewalker and level it up so it evolves.
Diglett evolves into Dugtrio at level 26.
Quilava evolves into Typhlosion, at level 36.
It evolves via Fire Stone, not leveling.
Yes Togepi does evolve in Pokémon SoulSilver. It does evolve, but instead of evolving by levels, it evolves by happiness, which happens in every other Pokemon game with Togepi
In Pokemon Blue, Bellsprout evolves into Weepinbell at level 21 and Victreebell when exposed to a Leaf Stone
Yes bellsprout can evolve it evolves into weepinbell
It evolves togetic into togekjssevolve pokemon
Level 30
In Pokemon SoulSilver, Marshtomp evolves into Swampert at level 36. See the link below.
it evolves at 17
Machoke evolves into Machamp when traded.
It evolves into Beedrill at level 10
he evolves by using a shiny stone on him
Bayleef evolves into Meganium.
Magby evolves at Level 30.