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Q: When does Staraptor learn Close Combat in Pokemon Diamond?
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How do you get the TM close combat?

staraptor can learn it.

Why did my staraptor not learn close combat upon evolving it evolved at 35?

Because Staraptor does not learn Close Combat until Level 34, and Staravia cannot learn Close Combat at all without cheating. To make Staraptor learn/re - learn Close Combat, take it and a Heart Scale to the Move Tutor in Pastoria City

What good Pokemon can you get in Pokemon Diamond?

well my team in diamond was infernape,staraptor,alakazam,weavile,dialga and luxray(make sure dialga has roar of time,staraptor has close combat and weavile has a very affective ice type move) with this team the E4 will be easy just make sure there very high leveled because i had Avery hard time with Cynthia hope it helped

Pokemon platinum when does staraptor learn a move?

Staraptor learns Close Combat upon evolving at Level 34, it learns Agility at Level 41 and Brave Bird at Level 49.

Which Pokemon learn close combat?

heracross infernape staraptor machoke/champ/chop pretty much any fight type

Which is the best moves that you can learn Pidgeot in Pokemon Diamond you have AR so you can learn it every TM?

it would be better to have staraptor because it can learn close combat but for pidgeot maybe aerial ace or something. maybe earthquake lol ._.

What Pokemon evolves into starraptor in Pokemon soul silver?

Staravia. It evolves into Staraptor at Level 34 and learns close combat also if it evolves. hope I helped! :D

How do you beat the elite 4 in Pokemon diamond?

beaten down by close combat!

What Moveset Shall you Use For Staraptor in Pokemon Platinum?

Personally, I would teach it....Close Combat Train Staraptor to 34Brave Bird Train Staraptor to Level 49Double-Edge Breed with TogeticGiga Impact Buy TM68 at the Veilstone Game CornerNeonGreen16

What moves does staraptor learn and what level on Pokemon diamond?

In Pokémon Diamond, moves such as Growl, Tackle, Wing Attack, Quick Attack, Double Team, Whirlwind, Endeavor, Take Down and Aerial Ace are ones that will need to be remembered for Staraptor in the event of not knowing them however it will be able to learn Close Combat at Level 34, Agility at Level 41 and Brave Bird at Level 49.

What moves does ash's staraptor know?

close combat, brave bird, aerial ace,and quick attack

What is the strongest move that Infernape can learn on Pokemon diamond?

Flare Blitz and Close Combat have the same power, but different effects.