sorry but it cant learn aqua jet w/o cheating, but if you make an egg and hatch a piplup it might have aqua ring but it only heals you it doesn't do any damage
Buizel learns Aqua Jet at level 21.
This is only possible in Pokémon HeartGold, Pokémon SoulSilver, Pokémon Black, Pokémon White, Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 however Feraligatr is not capable of not naturally learning Aqua Jet via level-up or a Move Tutor, instead it has to learn it via Breeding due to Aqua Jet being an Egg Move. In order to accompish this, you will need a female Totodile, Croconaw or Feraligatr with either a male Empoleon, Floatzel, Azumarill, Dewgong or Kabutops that knows Aqua Jet and then once you place the 2 of them into the Daycare, after some time the Daycare Man will give you a Totodile Egg and it will hatch into a Totodile that knows Aqua Jet.
Prinplup learns the the moves Bide, Bubblebeam, Fury Attack, Brine at level, Wirlpool, Mist, Drill Peck, Hydro Pump. Also don't let your Prinplup evolve until it learns hydro cannon because it's the strongest move empoleon and prinplup can learn and prinplup learns the move at a lower level than empoleon does.
Aqua Jet has more PP, more damage, and more accuracy, so unless you're using it in an old version to clear whirlpools, I'd stay with Aqua Jet.
Gyarados will learn Aqua Tail at Level 35.
Buizel learns Aqua Jet at level 21.
Oshawott learns Aqua Jet at level 29.
You will need to teach Buizel Aqua Jet at level 24, then evolve it into a Floatzel at level 26.
level 21....
chimchar or turtwig. piplup is okay but even drill peck does little damage I think piplup while prinplup is crappy empoleon is extremly powerful because aqua jet is really powerful
Prinplup learns Hydro Pump at level 51.
This is only possible in Pokémon HeartGold, Pokémon SoulSilver, Pokémon Black, Pokémon White, Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 however Feraligatr is not capable of not naturally learning Aqua Jet via level-up or a Move Tutor, instead it has to learn it via Breeding due to Aqua Jet being an Egg Move. In order to accompish this, you will need a female Totodile, Croconaw or Feraligatr with either a male Empoleon, Floatzel, Azumarill, Dewgong or Kabutops that knows Aqua Jet and then once you place the 2 of them into the Daycare, after some time the Daycare Man will give you a Totodile Egg and it will hatch into a Totodile that knows Aqua Jet.
Prinplup learns the the moves Bide, Bubblebeam, Fury Attack, Brine at level, Wirlpool, Mist, Drill Peck, Hydro Pump. Also don't let your Prinplup evolve until it learns hydro cannon because it's the strongest move empoleon and prinplup can learn and prinplup learns the move at a lower level than empoleon does.
Prinplup learns drill peck at level 46.
level 4,8,11,15,18,22,25,29,32,36,39, and 43.
Aqua Jet has more PP, more damage, and more accuracy, so unless you're using it in an old version to clear whirlpools, I'd stay with Aqua Jet.
growl,water sport,quick attack,water gun,pursuit,swift,aqua jet,agility,whirl pool,razorwind.