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it is a fake game its not coming out

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Q: When does Pokemon pure silver and solid gold come out in aus?
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When is Pokemon pure silver and solid gold coming out?

they will never come because they are fakes the originals are Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver so remember there are no such games called solid gold and pure silver

When will Pokemon Gold and silver come out?

Gold and silver came out in 2003.

What is Pokemon solid gold?

well it is a remake of Pokemon gold version there is also a Pokemon pure silver version

How come their remaking Pokemon Silver and gold on ds but not crystal?

cuz they think Pokemon silver and gold are better than Pokemon crystal.

When did Pokemon Gold and silver come out?

It came out in 2000.

Is Pokemon solid gold and pure silver real?

No, logically it is HeartGold and SoulSilver.

When will the next Pokemon game be released?

Yes there will be it is called Pokemon heart Gold and soul Silver it come out 3/14/10 the starters are the same as original Pokemon Gold and Silver

When will Pokemon Heart Gold and Silver Soul come out in WA?

Spring 2010.

When will Pokemon soul silver and Pokemon heart gold version come out in America?

March 14th, 2010

What color apercorn is the gs ball in Pokemon Silver?

its the silver apercorn in Pokemon silver and its the gold apercorn in Pokemon gold

Did Pokemon pearl and Pokemon diomand come out before Pokemon soul silver and Pokemon heart gold?

Yes, and Black and White come out in March 2011.

When is Pokemon dawnsilver coming out?

I don't know about Dusk Gold and Dawn Silver, but Heart Gold and Soul Silver (The remakes of the Gold, Silver and Crystal games) are supposed to come out Spring of this year.