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Kimi ni Todoke will not be released outside of Japan

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Q: When does Kimi ni Todoke DS come out in English?
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Well actually, there is a Maple Story DS, but it is not in English. Now the Nexon production has teamed with Nintendo on making this game come to the DS. By the way, there is a new DS coming out, but it is sadly on in Japanese (yes it is coming to the U.S.). The new DS is called the Nintendo DSI because it has two cameras installed into it.

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Sadly no, there has been no English release for any of the great gundam nds games. Ive spent hours on the internet looking. But if you use a R4 or somethin you can get English patches

Do Australian DS games work on an English DS?

Yes, DS games and consoles are not region locked.

Do American DS Games work on a English DS?

Yes it will because DS games are not region locked