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Cynthia is a character in the popular Nintendo video game pokemon. During the game she will give you a charm that you need. She will do so after you complete beating the pokemon league.

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Q: When does Cynthia give you the charm?
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In Pokemon pearl where do you get the old charm?

well you have to get the secret potion from Cynthia in solaceon and use it on the psyduck that are standing in the way after you've done that Cynthia will come and give you the old charm and she'll say I want you to deliver that to my grandmother in celestic town.

What do you do after you give Cynthia's grandma the Old Charm in Pearl?

Just continue with the gameplay...

How do you get surf on diamond?

deliver the old charm to cynthia's grandma. then go in the celestic ruins and she will give u tm03 surf

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Same way yo do in pearl/diamond. just go along with the story. Once you give cynthia's grandma the charm she should give you surf

Were should you get the hm swim in Pokemon pearl?

first of all it is called surf you find it when you give the old charm to cynthia's granmother then she gives it to you to keep hope it helps

Where do you get the old charm in Pokemon diamond?

After beating the 4th gym, close to the entrance to the Pastoria Great Marsh, there will be an Team Galactic member, talk to him, he will run away, follow him, and continue to talk to him till he finaly battles you. After beating him walk alittle north and you will be at the entrance to Valor Lake, two men will be blocking the entrance, and Cynthia will be standing close to you. Talk to her and she will give you a SecretPotion, now fly to Solaceon Town and walk directly north till you get to the Psyducks, talk to any one of them, and use the SecretPotion on it, they will walk away, and Cynthia will come and ask of you to give the Old Charm to her grandmater in Celestic Town.

How do you get passed hearthome city in Pokemon pearl?

For the gym: You are supposed to get past the psyducks in Solaceon by following a galactic grunt in pastoria then getting a special item from Cynthia then give it to the psyducks and deliver a charm for Cynthia. Then Fantina will arrive at the gym in hearthome. Hope this helps!

How do you battle the fifth gym leader on Pokemon Diamond?

First you need the badges from Oreburgh, Eterna, Pastoria and Veilstone citys. when you have all those go to Lake Valor. Cynthia should be standing there. Talk to her and she will give you the item SecretPotion and the Old Charm to give to her grandmother. go to where the psyduck are blocking the way north from Solaceon Town. use the SecretPotion and the psyduck will go away. follow the path until you come to Celestic Town. speak to the village elder and give her the Old Charm Cynthia gave you. then return to Hearthome and Fantina should be there.

How do you battle the 5 gym leader in Pokemon pearl?

you need to deliver the old charm to cynthia's grand mother

Where is the third gym leader in Pokemon pearl?

veilstone city, if u r talking about hearthome cities gym leade who isn't there u have 2 go 2 veilstone city and follow the gatalic grumt. after u battle him Cynthia will come and give u a potion. then go 2 he place where the phyducks are blocking the path and give them the potion. then Cynthia will come and she will give u a charm. go to the city that is along the path and give the old lady the charm. then battle the galatic person. then go in2 the cave and press A when u r up agenst the picture. the lady will give u surf and now the leader will be there

What is customary to give a girl on her first ballet function?

I would give her a charm of a dancer or ballet shoes charm.

Where do you get surf?

When you cross lake valor Cynthia may appear she will give you a secret potion it gets you across the group of psyducks then go across them and you will be on your way to celestec town oh yeah I forget to tell you when the psyducks go away Cynthia will give you a old charm for her Grandmother in celestec town when your their she will thank you then go in the cave look at the picture and she will come to you and thank you then as a gift she will give you the Hidden Move 03 surf.