No. But if you walk around with the Pokemon egg9 you should have got from Cynthia) it wil hatch to a togepi knowing charm and extrasensory.
how to get a togepi in Pokemon platinum
you get it from an egg in Pokemon platinum
It needs max loyalty with its trainer you can evolve togepi in one level has long as its happiness with its trainer is at the max.
togetic and togekiss
You can't, you either breed a togepi or Action replay. You can only get a Togepi in Pokemon Platinum cheat free.
how to get a togepi in Pokemon platinum
you get it from an egg in Pokemon platinum
Sorry, but there's no Happiny egg in Platinum, as far as i know. It was replaced by a Togepi egg that you get off someone. Google it perhaps?
Pokemon Platinum!
it depends on what Pokemon you put in the day care or what trainer you get it from like the egg you get at iron island is a riolu. and the one you get from the elite for person is a togepi
It needs max loyalty with its trainer you can evolve togepi in one level has long as its happiness with its trainer is at the max.
Sorry but there isn't a trainer with a bagon in platinum.
You get a togepi egg in Pokemon Platinum, not Diamond.
Togetic can only be obtained in Pokemon Pearl by evolving Togepi. Togepi evolves when it has a strong bond with the trainer.
togetic and togekiss
evolve togepi with happiness