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Cynthia does not give you an egg in Pokémon Diamond or Pearl, she gives an egg containing a Togepi in Pokémon Platinum after you have beaten Team Galactic in Eterna City

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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

she does not give you an egg in diamond

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Q: When does Cynthia give you the Pokemon egg in diamond?
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Who gives you an egg in Pokemon platinum?

Cynthia will give you an egg,riley also will,bebe aswell.

Who in Pokemon platinum has a happiny.?

Cynthia Has A Happiny Go And Talk To Her?? wrong. Cynthia gives you a happiny egg in pearl and diamond. in platinum, it is togepi

Whose Cynthia in Pokemon Diamond?

She is the champion of the Sinnoh region. You'll need to beat her when you get to her. In certain places, she'll come see you to give you some things to help unlock certain Routes and towns. In Platinum she'll give you an Pokemon Egg.

How do you get your first egg on Pokemon Diamond?

Talk to the Hiker at Hearthome City and he'll give you a Shinx egg

Where do you find Eevee in Pokemon Diamond?

Yes. There is a Man In hearthome city, Near the route to get to solacean town. You must have 5 Pokemon in you're party. The man will give you an egg, And inside is a Male LVL 1 Eevee. Also, Cynthia, The Pokemon Champion, Will give you a Togepi Egg.

Does the Pokerus action replay code for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl always give you a bad egg?

No it does not get you a bad egg

Where do you get a togipi from?

in platnim Cynthia at the middle of the game for free in a Pokemon egg but as far as that goes idk catch togepi on rooute 230, in the farely large grassy island on Pokemon diamond ?

What Pokemon is inside the egg Cynthia gives you?


Where do you find the Manaphy egg in Pokemon pearl or diamond?

you get the manaphy egg in Pokemon rangers and send it into Pokemon diamond or pearl

Where do you find an egg on Pokemon Pearl?

Cynthia will give you an Egg that will hatch into Happiny. Riley will give you an Egg that will hatch into Riolu. The Day Care will give you an Egg that will only hatch into the same Pokรฉmon species as the female, unless youโ€™ve bred a male with a Ditto.

How t get mew in Pokemon Diamond?

get my Pokemon ranch on the wii then store 999 Pokemon and Haley, who runs it, will ask to trade you a mew for an egg (you give her an egg and she gives you a mew).

Where do you get a togetic in Pokemon Diamond?

You get a togepi egg in Pokemon Platinum, not Diamond.