go through iron island with a person named riley and he will give you an egg after you help him get out from the exit (not the entrance).
obviously, you can't catch scizor in Pokemon diamond. receiving an egg would be impossible. there are two egg locations wich is lucario and happiny. lucario is in the iron island that a character named RILEY is holding it. to receive it ], you have to be his partner and when your done helping him. he will give you an egg. Another egg is in the harthiome city. you receive it when you talk to the fatty guy when you are going in oreburg. he is standing there.... waiting. you must have one room for happiny. talk to him then...............voila. you receive an egg. hope it helped
you cant unfourtanately
You must breed a Monferno or Infernape with a Pokemon to get the chimchar egg.
Riolu is 4 generation Pokemon. You can get egg only in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
you have to transfer it from Pokemon ranger and you receive it as an egg. Or you can use the action replay cheat.
You have to catch a Ledian on Route 229 in the morning. Then you have to breed it to receive a Ledyba egg.
you get the manaphy egg in Pokemon rangers and send it into Pokemon diamond or pearl
You get a togepi egg in Pokemon Platinum, not Diamond.
obviously, you can't catch scizor in Pokemon diamond. receiving an egg would be impossible. there are two egg locations wich is lucario and happiny. lucario is in the iron island that a character named RILEY is holding it. to receive it ], you have to be his partner and when your done helping him. he will give you an egg. Another egg is in the harthiome city. you receive it when you talk to the fatty guy when you are going in oreburg. he is standing there.... waiting. you must have one room for happiny. talk to him then...............voila. you receive an egg. hope it helped
Have two Nintendo DS one have the Pokemon Ranger and one with the Pokemon Diamond. Then go to check egg. Then you have it.
It is not possible to get a Lugia egg in Pokemon Diamond. It is generally impossible to get an egg of a Legendary Pokemon the only exceptions being Manaphy and Phione.
Manaphy is obtainable in Pokemon Diamond if you also have a copy of Pokemon Ranger. The game Pokemon Ranger is able to communicate with Pokemon versions; Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver to transfer a Manaphy Egg to them. This Egg can be hatched like any other Pokemon Egg.
It's Happini.
you cant unfourtanately