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Either on your way out of the Dragon's Den, or if you used an escape rope or dig, in the gym, after you've taken the test.

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Q: When does Claire give you dragon pulse in soul silver?
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What do you do after you defeat Clair in soul silver?

Go to Dragon's Den. Talk to the Dragon Den Master, which turns out to be Clair's grandfather. He will ask you some questions. If you get all the questions right (I forgot the precise answers at this moment) then, if you visit him later, will give you an ExtremeSpeed Dratini. Regardless of whether you get all the questions wrong, he will still give you a Dratini. Exit Dragon's Den and Clair will finally award you the Rising Badge, and TM59 (Dragon Pulse). Now you're ready for the Pokemon League!

Where can you find dragon moves in soul silver?

In Blackthorne city there is a lady that will give you draco meteor as long as you have a dragon type pokemon

How do you get shiny Dratini and crystal Dratini on Pokemon tpmrpg?

To get a shiny dratini, go to Dragon's Den (make sure you have a space on your team). Answer the Dragon Master's questions. Exit and talk to Claire, who will give you a TM (Dragon Pulse). Then go back to the Dragon Master. Before you talk to him, SAVE THE GAME. Then, when you talk to him, he will give you a dratini. Check its summary to see if it is shiny or not. If it's not shiny, switch off your DS and then switch it back on. Repeat this until you finally get a shiny dratini. (Note: this may take from as little as 5 turns to 10,000. It all depends on your luck. If you REALLY want this pokemon, just have patience and keep on trying. Remember, this could take WEEKS or even MONTHS, because the chance of getting a shiny is about 1 in 8,000+)

Why won't the gym leader give me the badge in Pokemon soul silver?

If youre talking about Claire than you need to go into the dragons den and pick up an item. That Item is called dragons fang.

Where do you get exp share in soul silver?

get the dragon scale from the red gyarados and give it to mr. Pokemon or, get three matching numbers in the Pokemon lotto in the goldenrod radio tower.

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the dragon pulse is in nuvema town[cedric give us]

What do you have to do for the blachthorn city gym leader on soul silver?

to get the gym badge from Clair you have to go to the dragons den then take the masters test when you pass she will give you the badge then storm off after this she will give you the dragon pulse TM

What did the 8th leader on poke mon soul silver say for you to do after you beat her?

You're supposed to go North of the gym, and use surf on the water to get to the Dragon's Den, which is a cave-like place where you battle Dragon trainers, and can catch Dratini. If you keep on going down, on the left should be a whirlpool. Cross it, and go around to get to the Dojo place. Then there's a man there who asks you questions. Just answer randomly, and Claire we'll come there to give you the Dragon badge. As you come back out of the Den, she'll give you the TM Dragon Pulse, which I taught to my Red Gyarados. (If you caught it.)

What item do you have to get after beating Claire to get her badge?

u have to get the dragon fang in the dragon den and go to elm and he will give you the master ball then get

Pokemon diamond where do you find TM Dragon Pulse?

It is in victory road..i will try to give the details...after entering the victory road there will be two waterfalls and in between the two waterfalls is a dragon tamer with a gabite and battling him go down the southern waterfall and you will find dragon pulse

How do you get your 8th gym badge in Pokemon soul silver?

You must first travel to Blackthorn City. Then, you must battle and defeat Claire, the eighth gym leader. Afterwards, travel behind the gym into the Dragon's Den and pass the elders' test (you can answer anything and still get the gym badge). Claire will give you the badge after passing the test.

How does Seadra evolve into Kingdra soul silver?

Give it a Dragon Scale and trade.

What do you do after you defeat Clair in soul silver?

Go to Dragon's Den. Talk to the Dragon Den Master, which turns out to be Clair's grandfather. He will ask you some questions. If you get all the questions right (I forgot the precise answers at this moment) then, if you visit him later, will give you an ExtremeSpeed Dratini. Regardless of whether you get all the questions wrong, he will still give you a Dratini. Exit Dragon's Den and Clair will finally award you the Rising Badge, and TM59 (Dragon Pulse). Now you're ready for the Pokemon League!

How do you obtain a dratini in Pokemon SoulSilver?

The BEST way is to go to the Dragon's Den after beating Claire (I forgot her name at the moment) and finishing the elder's test. After Claire gives you the TM Dragon Pulse, go back and see the Elder. He will give you a Dratini which might know Extremespeed if you answered his questions correctly in the first time you see him. You can get a dratini via the pokewalker in soulsilver. The path is "Blue Lake", it is supposedly rare to find, but i think if you walk enough, you will find it. It costs 2000 watts to unlock.

Where can you find dragon moves in soul silver?

In Blackthorne city there is a lady that will give you draco meteor as long as you have a dragon type pokemon

Where do you find a dratini on soul silver?

The guy in the dragon shrine will give you one eventually.

Does the Garmin Forerunner GPS with heart rate monitor give your pulse rate?

No, it does not give your pulse rate.