get the dragon scale from the red gyarados and give it to mr. Pokemon or, get three matching numbers in the Pokemon lotto in the goldenrod radio tower.
you have to get a red gyarados and take the red scale and trade for exp share with mr Pokemon hope i helped!
When you catch or faint THE RED GYRADOS, you will get a red scale from The Lake Of Rage to give to Mr. Pokemon then to get an exp. share from him HOPE THIS HELPS
i have no idea. i think it has somthing to do with the red scale and mr. pokemon... :P
hi Chris here train in victory rode with the exp share
You can get it from Mr. Pokemon in exchange for a Red Scale, or the Goldenrod Radio Tower Lottery Corner. If you match 3 digits, you get an EXP. Share.
you go poo
you have to get a red gyarados and take the red scale and trade for exp share with mr Pokemon hope i helped!
give it to the weakest pokemon on your team and the pokemon you gave it to will gain exp with out battling simple:)
give the red scale to mr. Pokemon
When you catch or faint THE RED GYRADOS, you will get a red scale from The Lake Of Rage to give to Mr. Pokemon then to get an exp. share from him HOPE THIS HELPS
bring it to mr Pokemon north of cherrygrove and you get a exp. share
How do u get exp. Share in soul silver just tell me by improving
i lost mine whilst doing an ingame trade... i will trade
i have no idea. i think it has somthing to do with the red scale and mr. pokemon... :P
I'm not sure you can, but Professor Oak will ask if you want to trade Red Scale* for Exp. Share. *You must beat the red Gyrados ( I can't say or spell it)
hi Chris here train in victory rode with the exp share
You can get it from Mr. Pokemon in exchange for a Red Scale, or the Goldenrod Radio Tower Lottery Corner. If you match 3 digits, you get an EXP. Share.