Yes you see him with his boxers on.
You see his underwear in these episodes: Abra and the Psychic Showdown, Holiday Hi-Jynx, and Gone Corphishin'.
Yes he is! In HG and SS version. You see red in Mt. Silver. You vs Pikachu, Snorlax, Lapras, Venusaur, Blastoise and Charizard.
Who knows? All I know is after beating Red(Ash Ketchum), you'll see the credits. After that, without turning off, you'll be saving your game. Then you'll be back in New Bark Town or something.
Yes, Ash did in fact see Ho-Oh in Episode 1 of Pokémon.
It was never explained what had happened to Ash's father on Pokemon, so there isn't an answer, since it was never explained. Pokemon live did imply that ash's dad is geovanni, this may or may not be cannon Ash's dad according to the creators is on his own Pokemon journey and that is why you never see him.
Episode 1. He saw Ho-oh
because he is the main character, the hero, he has saved the world, and because he is cool like that
As far as the series goes, Ash wears boxers like in Abra and the physic showdown.
Basically Get a cap, poke balls, Get some friends and get a pokedex see ya
Yes he is! In HG and SS version. You see red in Mt. Silver. You vs Pikachu, Snorlax, Lapras, Venusaur, Blastoise and Charizard.
Nope, you can't see Ash in Pokémon Platinum.
Who owns Ivysaur? Ivysaur's owner is Ash Ketchum from Pallet own. In the beginning it started out as a bulbasaur. Then, it evolved into an ivysaur. You can watch Pokemon and see for yourself on youtube. It's awesome and plus they don't show Pokemon any more. Well, they do but its different. The Pokemon they show is Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Galactic Battle.
Who knows? All I know is after beating Red(Ash Ketchum), you'll see the credits. After that, without turning off, you'll be saving your game. Then you'll be back in New Bark Town or something.
I don't know?However Misty hasn't been with Ash in any new episodes lately.I wish Misty was with Ash again.I can see pictures of Ash and Misty in love at the internet.I can see Misty in reran Pokemon episodes such as Pokemon I Choose You, Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village, Charmander the Stray Pokemon, and Here Comes the Squirtle Squad.I can also see Misty in old Pokemon movies such as Pokemon the First Movie, Pokemon the Movie 2000, and Pokemon 3 the Movie.
I am not sure whether that would be the Ash Ketchum or the Gary Oak. See the Related Link listed below for more Poke-information:
Yes, Ash did in fact see Ho-Oh in Episode 1 of Pokémon.
It was never explained what had happened to Ash's father on Pokemon, so there isn't an answer, since it was never explained. Pokemon live did imply that ash's dad is geovanni, this may or may not be cannon Ash's dad according to the creators is on his own Pokemon journey and that is why you never see him.