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When they're positive that no ones looking.

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Q: When do ash and misty kiss?
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Does ash kiss misty on a pikachu movie?

No, Ash and Misty do not kiss in a Pikachu movie.

Which movie does ash and misty kiss in?

There is no Pokémon movie in which Ash and Misty kiss in.

Does misty kiss ash in any of the movies?

No, Misty does not kiss Ash in any of the Pokémon movies.

Is the episode when ash and misty kissed banned does misty and ash kiss?

that never happened

When does ash kiss misty?


Did ash ever kiss misty?

Psh, no! Those are just annoying rumors from other people (Not to be offenceve to them). But Misty did like Ash, Ash I think liked Misty.

Is the episode banned when ash and misty kiss?


Which episode does ash and misty try to kiss?

There isn't an episode where Ash and Misty kiss, the video's on Youtube were fan made. Its a fake.

Does ash ketchum and misty may dawn kiss in 1 episode of Pokemon?

misty does like ash but no one in Pokemon

What Christmas special episode does ash and misty kiss?

No, change Ash into Gary

When did Ash kiss Misty?

They kissed at the Christmas musical "A Kiss Under the Mistletoe."

What is the Pokemon episode where misty talks to ash about a kiss?

"Wherefore art thou Pokemon" Ash says, "Gee Misty, do you really think a kiss can change someone like that?" Misty says, "We'll have to see"