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Q: When did the second PlayStation console come out?
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What is the meaning of 2 in?

It is the second Playstation Console released under the name Playstation

What is the meaning of 2 in PS2?

It is the second Playstation Console released under the name Playstation

When did the first playstation console come out in Europe?


Is Playstation 3 the newest one?

Playstation 3 is the newest console to come from Sony.

Where did the PlayStation 3 come from?

The PS3 or Playstation 3 is a game console from the Sony Corporation

When did the first PlayStation console come out?

Playstation was first released by sony on December 1994.

What date did the Playstation 3 console come out?

November 16, 2006

What year did the Playstation 3 console come out?

It came out in November of 2006.

When was PlayStation - console - created?

PlayStation - console - was created in 1994.

When did PlayStation - console - end?

PlayStation - console - ended in 2006.

When you buy a PlayStation 2 console does it come with a memory card?

Yup, a ps2 does come with a memory card.

Is their going to be a PlayStation 4?

The console could come out under that name or it could not . There is definitively no one from Sony saying that there will be a Playstation 4.