The only game for the PS3 is Twisted Metal that will be out October 4 2011
Successfully complete the Monaco mini game in story mode. Note: the mini-game requires good aim if you have it!
Metal gear (MSX) came out in 1990 Metal Gear Solid (PSOne) came out 1994
The first game console came out in 1972 when Magnavox released the Magnavox Odyssey.
The magnovox oddessy came out in 1972 and is the first video game system available for home use.
Twisted Metal - video game - happened in 1995.
twisted metal
The game is a PlayStation Game from October 31 1999 and it does not seem likely to ever come out in a PS3 format. There is a Twisted Metal scheduled for PS3 release on December 31 2011 according to Gamestop
Twisted Metal - video game - was created on 1995-11-05.
Err, what? Twisted Metal is a Sony-owned franchise, and the first was released for the original PlayStation--a good year after Nintendo published its last NES game.
It won't, wich sucks. The game was cancled after six of the games designers died in a plane crash. Last I checked, the game was to be an open world game in wich you could drive from stage to stage. But in Twisted Metal Head On Extra Twisted Edition, it has a Twisted Metal Lost section were there is the four completed levels from the second black game, wich was to be called Twisted Metal Harbor City. Also a new car called six pack, with a headless demolition derby driver. I hope this info helped.
The only game for the PS3 is Twisted Metal that will be out October 4 2011
a playstation 2 game
A very cool racing game
Vigilante 8 was one of Twisted Metals competitors.
If you mean 'Twisted Metal',then Ya,there's a whole series.