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Japan- October 29, 1988

North America- August 14, 1989

Europe-November 30, 1990

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Q: When did the first Sega genesis come out?
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Can you play Sega genesis games on Sega Saturn?

No. Sega Genesis games can only be played on a Sega Genesis or Sega Nomad, and some other consoles with Genesis compatibility.

When did the madden video game first come out?

Not sure of the date, prolly like 1991-92, it was for the Sega Genesis.

Can Sega genesis 2 play Sega genesis games?

The Sega Genesis Model 2 is just a compacter (smaller) version of the Sega Genesis. So yes it can Lets say it like this : Sega Genesis (phat) = model 1 and The Sega Genesis (slim) = model 2 Hope i helped

When did Sega Genesis end?

Sega Genesis ended in 1997.

When was Sega Genesis created?

Sega Genesis was created in 1990.

When did Sega Genesis Collection happen?

Sega Genesis Collection happened in 2006.

Can you play Japanese Sega genesis games on an English Sega genesis?


What is the Sega Genesis?

It was a console released by SEGA in 1989 and the first console to have Sonic the Hedgehog on it. I own one myself!

Which one is better a Sega Genesis or a Sega Saturn?

Genesis, Saturn failed But Sega Saturn had 18X games in Japan.

Did robotnik's mean bean machine come out for any consoles other than the Sega Genesis?

Yes, it did actually

When was Sega Genesis Collection created?

Sega Genesis Collection was created on 2006-11-16.

Is the Sega Genesis and the Sega mega drive the same thing?

Yes. Sega Mega Drive is the Japanese and European name for it, while Sega Genesis is the North American name for it.