Well a long time ago people used a lot of words that are even used to this day and "yeah" is a word that has been brought back from a long time in the past.
yeah like .......YOU.....are going to die!!.........that would be pretty scary to me.
yeah, opah, amah, Utah
Typically it is five spaces, but if that does not look right and you have micro sof word 2007 its 15 spaces yeah I know that a lot of spaces but it works, so just go with 5 spaces people, understood five spaces
No I don't think so but you can easily make up a word. How about vurp or bomit. Yeah, I don't know the word for the action.
yeah however you won't find Entei if you didn't start with Bulbasaur.
Yeah the only thing you cant start a sentence with is but and because :)
There just saying "yeah" just saying an extra word.
There are a few Australian words that start with the letter Y. These words are, yabber, yarn, youse, yakka, and yeah-no/yeah-nah.
yeah like .......YOU.....are going to die!!.........that would be pretty scary to me.
no bad word starts with E
every swear in history, baby! oh yeah
in the 1980 yeah yeah
The German word for yeah is ja.
yeah. yeah.............hell no. no.nooooooo.
yeah a simple word like I went to school and Hail (hail) was dropping on me thump thump thump .etc
The root word for "yeah" is "yea," which is an archaic term meaning "yes" or "indeed."