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There is no way to tell when human learned to talk but I would say around when people were crated

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Q: When did humans learn to talk?
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Can humans really talk for real?

Yes. Humans can talk.

Can parrots and humans talk?

Of course. Both of them can really talk. Humans and parrots can talk.

Can animals talk to humans in human language?

No, animals cannot talk to humans in human languages. Animals communicate with each other using their own methods such as sounds, body language, and behavior. While some animals can be trained to respond to commands or cues from humans, they cannot speak in human language.

When was Learn to Talk created?

Learn to Talk was created in 1983-12.

Why do dogs bark and not talk like humans?

since humans talk when they breathe out and dogs do it when they breathe in this is the main reason why humans talk and they bark

Can you learn English if you can not talk at all?

You can learn to understand English if you cannot talk at all.

How do you learn to talk?

how you learn to talk is not the complicated! you know how your mom or dad will say stuff infront of you. then your brain will enventully get the words in and then you will be able to talk.

Where can one learn to talk on a CB radio?

There are many places where one can learn to talk on a CB radio. One can learn to talk on a CB radio at popular on the web sources such as Jalopnik and Ipadventures.

Can cats talk like humans a minute bedfore Christmas?

No, cats cannot talk like humans at all.

Why do people like science?

Humans are curious. This is how humans learn.

What is the difference between humans and phones?

humans talk, phones answer.

Can dogs talk to each other with out barking?

In a way dogs can 'talk' to each other. Barking, growling etc is all a way of communication, just like we humans talk. It is a way of showing what the dog wants or does not want and also shows what mood the dog is in.