The {PS2 was release in 2000 6 years after the PlayStation and 6 years before the release of the PS3
PlayStation x PlayStation 1 PlayStation 2 PlayStation 2 slim PlayStation 3 PlayStation 3 slim Coming soon - PlayStation 4
No as the PlayStation 3 Blu-Ray discs are too large to fit in the DVD slot on the PlayStation 2, although you can play most PlayStation 2 games on American PlayStation 3's and around 50% of PlayStation 2 games on European PlayStation 3's.
The Playstation 2 was released in 2000.
the playstation 2 black slim edition came out in oct.30 2005
Yeah quite old , but not as old as some things! I have a ps2 but I don't go on it anymore because it is a but outdated and better versions of the playstation have come out and so has the xbox. But if you enjoy the playstation 2, dont stop going on it because everyone else has. It can still be fun
No it will not
You simply turn on the PlayStation 2, insert the DVD, restart the PlayStation 2, and wait for the movie to come up.
Technically games still come out for the PlayStation 2, mostly sports games. However, the reason for the lack of new releases for the PlayStation 2 is because the PlayStation 3 is the newer and better console that replaced it.
yes it will
The first Sonic game to come out for the PlayStation 2 was Sonic Heroes. It came out January 24, 2004.
No it will not
no it is optional equipment
In 2003
The Playstation was getting old and the games could be better on a DVD with more room for the Game's program
No, it only comes on PlayStation 3.
it came out in 2004 for the PlayStation 2