when you get surf Answer: When you got surf go to Floromor Town thingy surf on the bridge west and keep going till you see and up entrance or down entrance
Underground or fuego ironworks
well first to get one get the action replay and go to the fugeo ironworks there rate is 5 so look carefully
Quite simple, go to the place where there are 4 panels in a column, then go to the top one, battle the trainer, then go to the panel which leads to Mr. Fuego.
Get a Magmar from Fuego Ironworks and trade it while letting it hold Magmarizer.
You go to Fuego ironworks then use the poke radar there and it should appear in the grass.
You go to Fuego Ironworks.
go to fuego ironworks the north of floroma town
The Fuego Ironworks are in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum.
You get it from action replay or go to Feugo Ironworks near Eterna Forest.
go to the windworkds and surf left and go all the way up until u find it
Go to Fuego Ironworks and use the pokeradar. Very rare
well you need surf to do this. once you do, you need to go to fuego ironworks and you'll find it there.
In Fuego Ironworks.
West of Floaroma Town
Underground or fuego ironworks
underground There is 1 in fuego ironworks