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Once you hit Level 60, you can get a flying mount from Orgrimmar or Stormwind (as well as some other out-of-place locations). Ask a city guard for a profession trainer, then ask for the riding trainer.

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Q: When can you get a flying mount in World of Warcraft?
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The Flying Reindeer spell in World of Warcraft transforms any flying mount into a flying reindeer. The Flying Reindeer increases ground speed by 100% and flight speed by 150%/280%/310%.

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There is no Battle Tank mount in World of Warcraft.

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It would seem that you need to have a full World of Warcraft license to purchase this mount.

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The dwarf have access to the Ram mount.

How much does flight training cost in World of Warcraft?

well a slow 60% flying mount is 800g and the mount is 100g for a fast epic flying mount 100% it is 5000g for training (i know ridulous right?) and 200g for the mount if you get a guild im sure they could have told you this... --------- 1000 g more for the cold weather training

Where can you get a mount in Dun Morogh in World of Warcraft?

you can get a mount in the amberstill ranch in dun morogh

In World of Warcraft if you have a 3 person mount how do you get your friends to mount your mount?

If you are talking about the travelers tundra mount (the mount with the vendors), you have to kick the vendors out first, then your friends can get in.

Where can you buy a mount in World of Warcraft?

the bull/cow place. they have awesome dragons <3

How many times can I use the tiny mount in World of Warcraft?

The code that gives you the Tiny mount is available for 50 uses; after that it is gone.

Where is Iris Moondreamer in World of Warcraft?

Iris Moondreamer is a non player character in World of Warcraft. She sells her gear at Nordrassil Inn in Mount Hyjal.