Look for a house icon on mini-map at:
Camelot Also note you have to be a member to get a house.
no you can not sell your house on runescape.
First, you must become a member, and speak to a construction guide (located in varrock and some other places). Buy a "house" then choose the style. Head to the rimmington house portal then go to " enter house - building mode".
open the door
Yes, Jagex have made Runescape membership gift cards.
Go to the place with the house icon in varrock.
you can buy flatpack furniture in the GE you can buy flatpack furniture in the GE
Yes, you have to be a member to have a home in Runescape.
no you can not sell your house on runescape.
No, Your RuneScape House is based on your Construction Level.
the grand exchange on runescape
no but if you buy more memership then you get your house back with everything in it
You make it yourself, at a crafting table in your house. Or you just buy it at the Grand Exchange - it is tradeable.
You can buy membership at stores like Target or at the Runescape website.
Only buy runescape membership from their site, look on homepage.