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The only way Staraptor can learn sky attack is through a move tutor in the Battle Frontier in Heart Gold or Soul Silver version.

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Q: When can staraptor learn sky attack?
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Can staraptor learn sky attack?

As of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, you can take Staraptor to the Move Tutor in Battle Resort and teach it Sky Attack. For Generation IV, you can teach Staraptor Sky Attack from the Move Tutor in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver.

Where can you teach staraptor sky attack?

you can teach staraptor sky attack at the battle frontier, you can buy it with 64bp. this only works in Pokemon herat gold/soul silver

When level Pigeot learn sky attack?

Pigeot does not learn sky attack at all.

What level does gliscor learn sky attack?

Gliscor can't learn sky attack

What level does pidgeot learn sky attack?

Ah, what a lovely question. Pidgeot learns Sky Attack at level 44. Just imagine Pidgeot soaring gracefully through the sky, ready to unleash its powerful attack. Keep on painting those happy little Pokémon, my friend.

When Crobat learn sky attack?

never it never learns sky attack

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When does Articuno learn sky attack?

Articuno is not able to learn the move Sky Attack. It can only be taught Sky Attack with the TM 43 in Pokemon Red and Blue. Sky Attack is no longer TM 46 in later games so it's impossible for Articuno to learn Sky Attack outside of Pokemon Red and Blue.

Can Dragonite learn sky attack?

No, there is no way through training, tutoring or breeding to make Dragonite learn sky attack.

Can Xatu learn Sky Attack?

Yes Xatu can learn Sky Attack, but only by using a TM or talking to the move tutor. Xatu must be taught Sky Attack, it will not learn it by leveling up. I hope this helps you.

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Sky Attack is one of the starter moves of Togekiss,

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